
Chicago, IL 60603
855-920-2287 OR 312-766-2242
Chicago Charter Bus Rentals

CharterUP offers private bus rental services in the Midwest and operates 24/7, 365 days per year. Popular bus service locations include Chicago, Detroit, Lexington, Minneapolis, and Indianapolis. CharterUP caters to all group types with several bus rental options available via their extensive provider network.Travelers can use CharterUP’s self-serve platform to find buses with amenities like WiFi, reclining seats, additional luggage space, and even ADA-accessible features. The platform also allows travelers to compare ratings and prices from multiple bus companies, so they can always be sure they’re getting the best possible bus option.Learn more about charter bus rental options by calling CharterUP’s team at 1-855-920-2287 or visiting

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Scenes from Around the Corridor